Fourth tier decoration

Fourth tier decoration

This tier holds two Samurai guards. Decorations: Hishidai, Zen-zoroe.

Zuijin (Zuishin)

Zui-jin means attendants as a guard for a noble man in the imperial. On the right side, young Samurai is U-daijin and on the left side, elderly Samurai is Sa-daijin.

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雛人形の持ち物、小道具 随身三五小道具セット

These equipment is swords, bows, arrows and caps

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雛人形・雛道具 30号三つ葉盛上げ 掛盤セット (シンプルで飽きの来ない木製)

Zenzoroe is the table to carry the dishes. There are several types of Zen zoroe. This type is called Kakeban-zen.

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This type is Cyou-ashi-zen.

1:Otubo 2:Ohira 3:Takatuki 4:Ii-wan 5:Shiru-wan


Hishi-dai means the table for hishi-mochi (the diamond-shape rice cake). They have five colors or three colors, and the reason is written as follows. White means snow, green means leaf, the other color means flowers, or flowers, moon and sun. so you can imagine a spring view.

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